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Relevant Media Stories – THON

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

Today the largest student run fund raising organization for cancer took place. In State College at Penn State students put on a dance to find a cure. The effort is said to engage almost 15,000 students to get involve. It is a 46 hour dance marathon. No sleeping, and certainly no sitting. Last year for THON, Penn State raised over 12 million dollars to go to pediatric cancer research. This year they raised a record breaking $13,343,517.33 for the cause. Since 1977 THON has raised $107 million. The weekend is a culmination of all of THON’s work. They are standing on there feet for 46 hours, all for the kids and to benefit a good cause. It begins at 6 p.m. on Friday, and doesn’t end until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Families even give speeches about what they have went through. The realization that standing on your feet for 46 hours isn’t as bad as some kids have it with cancer. Every day is a battle that they go through. The athletic teams at Penn State even have a choreographed routine to dance to. To interact with the dancers some things you should do are encouraging them, bring their favorite snacks, and encourage them to wait until after the event to get a massage. Some things you shouldn’t say to these dancers are things like the time, and arguing with them. They know that they are there for a long time. Overall, THON is an amazing experience Penn State puts on for cancer. By doing fundraisers like this I believe we are getting close to finding a cure. – to learn more about THON

About-Events-THONWeekend-1 – Image taken from